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Post Date: 04-Feb-2020
Latest Measures due to the Spread of Novel Coronavirus 因應新型冠狀病毒傳播的最新措施

Measures due to the Spread of Novel Coronavirus

  1. In order to keep the people at school safe and ensure a hygienic environment, our school premises will be cleaned regularly, and surgical masks and alcohol hand sanitizers would be provided to the students and staff in need. Starting from today, anyone who has fever, has developed any symptoms of respiratory infection or has been to the Mainland China within the past 14 days should not enter the school premises.

  2. Aligning with the holiday extension arrangement of the EDB, our school holiday will be extended to March 1. In other words, our classes resume on March 2.

  3. Students should stay at home as far as possible during the extended holiday period. Students should always keep their hands clean and wear surgical masks as far as possible in public area. Correct ways to do so could be found in the following video clips:
    Hand washing:  
    Wearing masks:

  4. Learning materials and assignments will be sent to students through eClass on Mondays. Students should complete the learning tasks assigned at home.

  5. The opening hours of the School from February 4 to February 29 are from 8:30am-12:00noon and 1:00pm to 3:30pm on days from Monday to Friday. The School will not be opened on Saturdays and Sundays. Only designated classrooms are accessible in the opening hours.

  6. In case it is strictly necessary for students to study at school in the opening hours, the following points should be observed:
    (a) Parents should call the school office at least 1 day in advance for registration, so that arrangements could be made. If the student is then absent, the school will inform the parent.
    (b) Students should bring along a parent-signed body temperature record, which should be presented at the school entrance.
    (c) Every student should register by checking his student card against the card reader at the entrance both when he gets in and out of the school.
    (d) Student should study at the designated classroom when he is at school.

  7. All the student activities, including inter-school competitions, being scheduled up to the resumption of classes are cancelled. However, Mass and prayer services in the school chapel would be held as normal.

  8. As for S6 students, the outstanding mock examination, academic result calculation, arrangements of HKDSE and JUPAS are to be announced in due course. S6 students should work hard according to the instructions of their subject teachers for getting promising results in HKDSE.

  9. The Parents' briefing session for Applied Learning scheduled to be held on February 8 would be cancelled. For information regarding the Applied Learning programmes, S4 parents can view an online video clip, which would be uploaded on the eClass. Please call the school office should there be any further enquiries. Message would be sent to parents once the video clip is ready.

  10. S1 to S5 Parents' Day that has been scheduled on February 15 is cancelled. Electronic copies of individual report card would be sent to respective parents through eClass Parent App before February 15. Hardcopies would be given to students after classes are resumed.

  11. Based on the update of the spread of novel coronavirus, the school will adjust and inform the stakeholders any further measures accordingly. Circulars to parents will only be sent through the eClass platform. Parents should install eClass Parent App onto their smartphones. The information about eClass parent account is distributed with Circular No. 09.



  1. 為保障校內人員安全健康,學校將徹底清潔校園,確保環境清潔衞生,並備有口罩和消毒酒精搓手液給在校園內有需要的師生使用。任何身體發熱、呼吸道不適或在14日內曾往內地的人士請不要進入校園。

  2. 本校按教育局的安排,延長農曆新年假期至3月1日止,所有學生毋須回校上課。學生在假期後的第1天上課日為3月2日。

  3. 在延長假期期間,學生應盡量留在家中。學生應時常保持雙手清潔和在公眾地方盡可能佩戴口罩,正確的方法請觀看以下視頻:

  4. 學校會在每週的星期一,透過eClass學習平台提供網上資源和發出學生應完成的習作,學生應留在家中學習,並完成指定的課業。

  5. 學校在2020年2月4日至2020年2月29日期間的開放時間為星期一至五,每天上午8:30至中午12時和下午1:00至下午3:30,星期六和星期日休息。在這段期間,學校只開放指定的課室供本校學生溫習。

  6. 若學生在學校開放時間確實必須回校溫習,應遵守以下的規則:
    (甲) 學生家長應在回校前至少1個工作天致電到校務處登記,讓學校能作出安排。若學生缺席,校方會通知家長。
    (乙) 學生回校時必須帶備經家長簽署的體溫量度紀錄,在進入學校時供查閱。
    (丙) 學生在進出校門時均須以學生證在入口處的讀咭機登記。
    (丁) 學生回校後必須在指定的課室溫習。

  7. 在正式復課前的所有學生活動和訓練,包括校際比賽,均已全部取消。學校小聖堂已安排的宗教禮儀和主日彌撒則仍按時舉行。

  8. 中六學生餘下的畢業考試安排、本學年成績的計算、中學文憑試的各項安排和大學聯招程序的安排等,將稍後另行通知。中六學生在這段時間,應按各科老師的指示,努力溫習,為中學文憑試作好準備。

  9. 原定在2月8日舉行的應用學習課程中四學生家長簡介會現已取消。有關應用學習課程的介紹,將製作成短片放置在eClass內,家長可以隨時登入觀看。若有任何問題,歡迎致電回校查詢。簡介會的短片經上載後,學校會發短訊通知家長。

  10. 原定在2月15日的中一至中五學生家長日現已取消。學校會在2月15日前,經eClass Parent App把學生成績表的電子副本傳送給家長。成績表的硬文本會待復課後交學生帶回家。

  11. 本校會繼續因應疫情的最新情況,調整各項安排,並知會相關持分者。學校給家長通告只會經eClass 平台發放給家長,家長應在手機上裝置eClass手機應用程式(eClass Parent App),以獲取資訊。eClass 家長帳戶資料已隨通告第09號派發。




